Published inLevel Up CodingWe were wasting 75% of our EC2 Memory resource!How a simple configuration check for JVM applications on Docker can help you save on your memory resource. How a downtime led us to fix it.Oct 19, 2023Oct 19, 2023
Understanding mocks and spiesBelonging to the umbrella term Test Doubles, mocks and spies have come a long way. This article tries to demystify their usage patterns.Sep 2, 2022Sep 2, 2022
[Technical] Publishing AARs to maven-centralA technical step-by-step guide to publish AARs to maven central, which unfortunately and annoyingly is a super manual process.May 19, 2022May 19, 2022
The Evolutionary System design in action — Part 1A story-telling, real-world narrative on the evolution of a complex system from the lens of a software engineer.Apr 10, 20221Apr 10, 20221
Published inProAndroidDevCollections vs Sequences: War of use-cases!A definite use-case driven guide to Collections vs Sequences in Kotlin.Apr 12, 20202Apr 12, 20202
Published inProAndroidDevDissecting the inline keyword in Kotlin: Chapter 2How Kotlin manages reification? What is the type erasure problem? How to control the inlining behavior? Unsigned data structures in Kotlin?Mar 23, 2020Mar 23, 2020
Published inProAndroidDevDissecting the inline keyword in Kotlin: Chapter 1Lambdas were introduced in Java 8, but what about applications running before them? How does Kotlin manage the same for Java 6…Feb 22, 2020Feb 22, 2020